Black Belt Ukulele 2 – Multimedia Teacher’s Program (6-10 Teacher Pack)



Included in this Black Belt Ukulele 2 Multimedia Teacher’s Program Purchase:

Digital Access for up to 10 teachers to the iJam SongTorch App

Once logged into SongTorch, your ‘Black Belt Ukulele 2 Multimedia Teacher’s Program’ includes all the teacher’s notes for Black Belt Ukulele 2, worksheets, interactive activities, student tracker, free student version of all interactive activities, as well as vocal, backing and individual strumming and finger picking ukulele audio tracks.

Access anywhere on any device – for data projector, interactive whiteboard, PC, MAC, iPad, Android and more!

Would you prefer to buy a smaller pack?

The Blackbelt Ukulele system is also available in an individual teacher’s program or in a pack of 2-5!

Track & Activity Listing

Green Belt
Mama Paquita

Sesere Eeye

Here we go Zoodio

Kuku Riku

Old Man Mosie Shortnin’ Bread (Old Man Mosie)

Belle Mama Cha Cha Groove

From Wibbleton to Wobbleton

Scales in C

Blue Belt
Up the Ladder

Oh when the ukes/I’m gonna sing

A Friend like You

Wet Day Blues

Vegemite Peanut Butter Strawberry Jam

Bim Bam

Aunt Emm Cooks Goblins

Se Se Se

Hot Cross Buns with variations

Scales in G
Purple Belt
Sensa Kroma
Let’s Sing All Together

Fruity Samba

Yonder Come Day/Pick a Bale of Cotton


Greetings Epo I tai tai Heel and Toe Polka

Old Shoe Blues

Catch that Jive