Artists In Schools

In these fun and value-packed programs, students participate through song, body percussion, percussion instruments, movement and dance, leading to improvisation. We can tailor a program to suit your needs, from one day to several days, involving music, dance and drama. This can culminate in a performance or concert for parents and/or as a fund raising activity.

Click here to download a flyer you can print or send electronically.

Click here to see what people are saying about our Artists in Schools programs.

We are happy to travel to regional and interstate areas – travel costs may apply. Please contact us for more details.

Music workshops with the students


  • Easy to learn new, favourite, traditional and multi cultural songs, rhymes, games, dances, musical stories and instrumental activities in a variety of musical styles
  • Enhance learning across the curriculum through music and the arts
  • Utilise ‘Orff Schulwerk’ principles to inspire, excite and motivate children to remember, understand and love music
  • Hands on and practical activities that focus on creativity
  • Build student and teacher confidence
  • Participate in active and enjoyable music making that is appealing and immediately accessible for all

Special themes can include:

  • Singing with individual classes
  • Create a choral festival
  • Songwriting & composition
  • Jazz, popular music & improvisation
  • Orff instruments
  • Drum Circles
  • Early Childhood Concerts
  • Master classes with your ensembles
  • Create a Musical
  • Build a music Concert
  • Music Around the World
  • Learning to live together – covering tolerance, sharing, caring, compassion etc
  • Life’s a Celebration, Friendship; Dream the Dream; Music is fun, A celebration of Music

General Information

Numbers per session – A maximum of two classes or 60 students per session

Numbers per day – A maximum of 300 students per day

A typical one day AIS program timetable

Feel free to choose a combination of these options over a few days

Mock timetable
Option 1

8.30-9am Set up

9.00 –10.00 Session 1

10.00-11.00 Session 2

11-11.30 Morning recess

11.30 – 12.20 Session 3

12.20-1.30 Lunch

1.30 – 2.20 Session 4

2.20 – 3.10 Session 5

Option 2

8.30-9am Set up

9.00 –9.50 Session 1

9.50-10.40 Session 2

10.40-11.10 Morning recess

11.10-12.00 Session 3

12.00-12.50 Session 4

12.50-2.00 Lunch

2.00-3.00 Concert for all students and parents

Some food for thought

These programs can become the annual concert or musical for the school which combines all the areas of the arts. Costumes can be made, props and sets can be designed and students involved in music, dance and drama.

The worry of choosing suitable material, ensuring that all areas of the arts are covered, creating an educational experience for the students, including all students in the program, as well as providing an entertaining concert for the parents is all taken care of for you.
Phil and Susie can perform some of their songs involving the audience in song and dance.

Phil can also MC the performance.

This program can fulfil an arts component of the school curriculum.

Some recommendations for AIS program

  1. A theme can often help focus the event and can be developed through discussions, creative writing and particularly art work to decorate the concert space.
    Possible themes could include;
    Down Under in Australia; Friendship; Dream the Dream; Music is fun, A celebration of Music etc
  2. If choosing a concert – we always invite the students to do one to two massed items
  3. Prior preparation to a concert

This is recommended – such as students learning the words to some of the songs and preparing simple costumes and sets for the concert liasion between the co-ordinating teacher and the artists – a varied program of songs, dances and instrumental activities is planned prior to our visit. This program together with the music and recordings are sent prior to the event.

Equipment requirements (ideal but can vary)

  • PA system – including 2 speakers, 2 microphones and stands – operator if possible – particularly needed for the concert
  • Well tuned piano or good quality 88 note keyboard
  • Good quality and powerful CD or IPOD player
  • A range of non melodic and melodic percussion instruments
  • 3 large tables
  • Access to power points – electrical outlets
  • Name tags for all students

Space requirements

  • A large music room or hall/multi purpose room suitable for moving and dancing
  • For the concert or show – a large space

We are happy to travel to regional and interstate areas – travel costs may apply. Please contact us for more details.

Music shows

Early Childhood – up to 10 years

A joyous celebration of music making with lots of fun in an entertaining and educational setting. The students are involved in music making through songs, rhymes, role play, playing instruments, laughter, movement and dance. This features Susie on keyboards, percussion and vocals and Phil on guitars, vocals and percussion. Be razzled and dazzled with the magic of interactive music!