Building Creativity and Confidence through Music

Early Childhood Music

For children up to 8 years

Including a range of delightful rhymes, games, songs, folk dances, creative movement, musical stories, world music, percussion instrument activities, drumming, ukuleles, descant recorder and creative play, the strategies contained in these courses will link to critical aspects of a child’s development and will inspire teachers and educators to embed quality musical activities and experiences into children’s programs. These courses are suitable for all educators working with young children and no prior music experience is necessary. We use a multi-modal and multi-sensory approach to help make the learning stick! Be inspired to make a real and lasting difference to your students! Check our calendar of events for the next courses and sign up for our FREE enews on our home page, so we can keep you informed of all new events and resources.

We also offer other professional development and workshops
PLAYshop themes

Music made easy, music made fun
Ideal for people who have little or no previous music experience. This fun and interactive PLAYshop covers a repertoire of original and exciting children’s songs, rhymes, games, dances, musical stories, and instrumental activities for Early Childhood (up to 8 years). Easy and appealing music that is immediately accessible and filled with fun and educational nourishment. Have your children jumping for joy with material that inspires them to sing, move, dance, listen, create, play instruments and LOVE music.

Welcome to Music – in Early childhood
Regardless of your musical background get your creative juices flowing as Susie and Phil share exciting and original material from their ‘Welcome to Music’ series in this fun and interactive ‘PLAYSHOP’. Learn a repertoire of innovative children’s songs, rhymes, games, dances, musical stories, and instrumental activities. Participate in active and enjoyable music-making that is easy, appealing and immediately accessible for all children up to 8 years.

Discover ‘Aussie’ style music for 3 – 8 years
In this fun filled ‘ripper’ (really good) session, Susie and Phil will incorporate rhymes, songs, dances and instrumental activities about ‘Aussie'(Australian) animals, aboriginal names and places and even a musical ditty (musical story) about our unique ‘Aussie’ language and culture as we meet up with ‘Dazza’ (Daryl) the ‘Dinky Di Aussie’ (authentic Australian). As well as this, we will add in a dollop of ‘Aussie’ style jazz and rock with a pinch of scatting and a teaspoon of fun to boot. Guaranteed to be a ‘real bonza’ (really good) session.

‘Musical mayhem for the under 2’s’
Discover a new and original repertoire of bouncing rhymes, action songs, fingerplays, dances, instrumental and creative mayhem for kids and parents alike, with more than a hint of humour and heaps of fun!

Shake it up! New songs, rhymes and dances for children’s physical and mental well being – 3 – 8’s
Music is a wonderful and powerful tool to develop confidence, self-esteem, creativity, social and physical skills in all children. Susie and Phil will demonstrate how all children can improve physical and mental well being through songs, rhymes and dances.

We are also presenting online courses in Early childhood – for more information click here

If you’d like to view Primary/Elementary programs click here

If you’d like to view Middle years /Secondary programs click here

If you’d like more information please contact us