Building Creativity and Confidence through Music

Primary/Elementary School Workshops

Primary/Elementary School Music Workshops

For children 5 – 12 years

  • Music made easy, music made fun
  • Welcome to Music – for 8 – 12’s
  • Creative music making in the primary classroom – Orff Schulwerk
  • ‘Whack, Bang, Crash!’ – Fun with wacky and homemade percussion instruments
  • Marimba Madness
  • Sing, Jam & Jive
  • Take Orff with jazz
  • Jazz it up!

Music made easy, music made fun
Discover a new repertoire of children’s songs, rhymes, games, dances, musical stories, and instrumental activities. Easy and appealing music that is immediately accessible and filled with fun for young and old. Have your children jumping for joy with material that inspires them to sing, move, dance, listen, create and play instruments.

Welcome to Music – for 8 – 12’s
Regardless of your musical background get your creative juices flowing as Susie and Phil share exciting and original material from their ‘Welcome to Music’ series, Learn a repertoire of innovative children’s songs, rhymes, games, dances, musical stories, and instrumental activities. Participate in active and enjoyable music making that is easy, appealing and immediately accessible for all children.

Creative music making in the primary classroom – Orff Schulwerk
What makes the Orff approach so durable and unique in the classroom today?
This workshop will explore an Orff based approach integrating speech, song, movement, dance and instruments. Various rhythmic and melodic techniques including imitation, echo, ostinato and canon will be used leading to improvisation. The emphasis is on active participation with a strong sense of fun and enjoyment.

‘Whack, Bang, Crash!’ – Fun with wacky and homemade percussion instruments
(Suitable for those working with 4 yrs – up to 12 yrs)
It’s easy and loads of fun to make and play percussion instruments.
Discover and play marimbas, xylophones, glockenspiels and a wide variety of wacky home made instruments including shaker rings, guiro tubes, Macdrums, pluckaphones, didgeridoos and heaps more.A great way to motivate your children to love music.

Marimba Madness

Participants will play through a varied repertoire for marimbas and other percussion instruments that will also incorporate some singing and movement highlighting the Orff process.
This session will demonstrate how to engage older students and extend their musical understanding. Motivate those difficult older children and have them eagerly queuing

‘Sing, Jam and Jive’

Susie and Phil combine ‘Orff Schulwerk’ principles that inspire, excite and motivate children to remember, understand and love music in this fun and interactive PLAYshop. Discover lots of NEW material through speech, song, body percussion, dance, movement and percussion instruments with a focus on improvisation and creative input for 4-14 year olds.
Jazzy styles of music will be used such as swing, pop, blues, Latin and African styles leading to improvisation. Material will be used from Susie and Phil’s album ‘Sing, Jam & Jive’ and new series ‘Take Orff with Jazz’. Motivate your children and have them eagerly queuing up for music lessons. Be there or be square!

‘Take Orff with Jazz’
Participate in classroom and jazz arrangements based on the Orff Schulwerk approach for 5 – 12 year olds. Explore a jazz repertoire through speech, song, body percussion, dance, movement and percussion instruments with a focus on improvisation and creative input.

‘Jazz it Up!
An ‘Orff’ based approach combining singing, moving, playing, scatting, beat boxing and jammin’ with jazz and blues styles in a FUN and non threatening environment!!! Feel rejuvenated and go away with several classroom arrangements you can use immediately with 8 – 14 year olds. Bring your instrument or just bring yourself. Be there or be square.