Building Creativity and Confidence through Music

WTM Licensed Teachers

‘Welcome to Music’ (WtM) Early Childhood (EC) licensed teacher information 2021

What is the WtM EC program?

  • It is a music and movement program for Early Childhood with sequential and developmentally planned activities and thematic ‘Orff’ units for 0-8 years.
  • The lessons contain especially written and recorded original music (by well known and world class music educators and musicians Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter), traditional and world music.
  • The activities are fun, humorous, engaging and age appropriate for young children with clever lyrics, rhymes, raps, musical stories, dances, songs with infectious melodies, instrumental activities and varied styles of music from folk to rap, rock and jazz.
  • Many activities focus on self expression, creativity and improvisation
  • Each activity has been tried and tested over more than 20 years around the world with funky and appealing music that kids and adults love.
  • The program can be easily used by the non specialist teacher, educator, carer or parent with teaching strategies clearly outlined and user friendly.
  • An opportunity for a special music and bonding time at home, in the car or in class between the child and the parent/carer.
  • Songs are especially written in keys that are appropriate for young children to sing with excellent singing models

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