Black Belt Ukulele 1 – Starter Kit (Physical Items + Digital Apps)



Includes one of everything:

Student Pack

Blackbelt Ukulele Book 1 (Physical Book):

Full colour student book

Covers chords C6, C, Am and F. It also introduces finger-picking, theory, and a lot more. Playing will never be the same again with this Orff-based learning method. Play to Susie and Phil’s popular songs from their Welcome to Music series especially re-recorded for the ukulele.

To view sample pages from the book, click the images above!

To view the full track and activity listing (as well as listen to some song samples), click “Activity & Track Listing” tab above!

SongTorch Audio App Access for 1 Student (Digital)

Your students will learn with enthusiasm and faster than ever before. The student multimedia includes full-speed audio for most songs.

3 Coloured Belts (Physical)

Tie around your ukulele as you progress through the book!


Worksheet Copy Book Pack

Blackbelt Ukulele 1 – Worksheet Copy Book (Physical Book) 

Supplemental book with reproducible worksheets, activity sheets, and belt certificates. Coordinates with Black Belt Ukulele Student Book 1 & Multimedia 1 (Blue).

Black Belt Ukulele 1 – Backing Tracks Audio App (Digital)

Code for digital access to Black Belt Ukulele 1 Backing Tracks inside the SongTorch app. Coordinates with Black Belt Ukulele Student Book 1 & Multimedia 1 (Blue).

Black Belt (Physical) 

Enjoy this symbolic black belt to tie around the teacher ukulele or to display in your classroom/space.


Teacher’s Multimedia Pack

Digital Access for 1 Teacher to the iJam SongTorch App (Digital)

Once logged into SongTorch, your ‘Black Belt Ukulele 1 Multimedia Teacher’s Program’ includes all the teacher’s notes for Black Belt Ukulele 1, worksheets, interactive activities, student tracker, free student version of all interactive activities, as well as vocal, backing and individual strumming and finger picking ukulele audio tracks.

Access anywhere on any device – for data projector, interactive whiteboard, PC, MAC, iPad, Android and more!

Additional SongTorch Activities (Digital)

Enjoy teaching your students “Pass the Beat Around”, “Uke Rap”, and “Left Hand Finger Play” – only available inside the teacher’s multimedia!


Black Belt Ukulele Chord Sticker Sheet

1 Set of Stickers: unique colour and shape stickers based on the Chroma Colour system.

Includes stickers for five chords (C, C7, Am, F & G7) plus the four tuning pegs (A, E, G & C).

To view sticker placement, view the image above!

Suggested to accompany Black Belt Ukulele 1 & Black Belt Ukulele 2


Note: SongTorch App codes are printed inside the student and worksheet books and will be available once you receive them. 

Additional Information & Starter Guide

Track & Activity Listing

Tracks & Activities Included in Book 1 (click “Play” to sample several tracks):

White Belt

Yellow Belt

Orange Belt